URL scheme for Pictplus

Pictplus of version 1.2.0 and after is compatible with custom URL scheme and some query string.
It is described how to use them in this page.
The free edition does not support this function.

URL Scheme


Query string

The setting by query string is temporary and persistent parameters will not be updated by them when the application is terminated.
Beginning of query string, ‘?’ is needed. When you set the multiple query string, ‘&’ is required for boundary.

url=(Image URL)
– (Image URL) is the URL of the image which is loaded at the start of the application.

store=(png or jpeg(:quality)),(inherit exif info),(interpolation)
– (png or jpeg(:quality)) specifies the image format to be stored. In case of “jpeg”, quality parameter can be setting. The quality is set the integer value from 50 to 100.
– (inherit exif info) specifies whether to inherit EXIF informations. This parameter is set ‘0’ or ‘1’. ‘0’ means EXIF informations are not inherited. ‘1’ means inherited.
– (interpolation) specifies to interpolation type. This parameter is set ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘2’, each means nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic.
If you don’t want to specify a part of parameters, you can omit them.

limit=(limit type)(:pixel size)
– (limit type) specifies the condition to limit the size of images to be stored. This parameter is set the integer value from 0 to 5. Each value means as follows.
0 : No limit
1 : Short side
2 : Long side
3 : Width
4 : Height
5 : Total pixel size
– (:pixel size) specifies the upper limit of pixel size of the image to be stored. This parameter is available when the value of the limit type is 1 to 4 or 5. In case the limit type is 1 to 4, this parameter set integer value. In case of 5, the unit is mega pixel, can be set up to three decimal places.


– URL is needed to be written from URL scheme(ex. http://). URL can be specified an Internet address.

– If there are items which you don’t want to set in the part of query, you can describe such as above.